If you could fly, where would you go? What might you see? What could you do? Colors collide and things only imagined take shape and stimulate more things to imagine. Use this title to learn a little Spanish, to count and sort, but…
Countdown to Kindergarten
43 users like thisReading and sharing books together with children excites them, so one day they will want to read on their own. When families read together, children: -expand vocabulary and background knowledge -learn how books and written language work -learn that stories have a beginning, a middle and an end All of these skills are critical for later school success. Be sure to ask many open-ended questions when you read together. You will be amazed at how much you can learn about your child when you share a book together! In the following list, you will find 100 essential picture books that have been hand-selected by Sno-Isle Libraries staff to help children develop reading skills before they enter kindergarten. To easily find these books in the children’s section of your library, look for the “c2k” label or ask a staff member. We have many other book suggestions and early literacy tips to share with families. For more book recommendations and a printable list, visit sno-isle.org/kids/learning

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Caps for Sale
a Tale of a Peddler, Some Monkeys and Their Monkey Business
Click, Clack, Moo
Cows That Type
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